Saturday, September 27, 2008

Adams Family Circus!

I decided to show you all what goes on in my house... these are my AMAZING boys doing their AMAZING tricks!
Damon is truly one of a kind... love the cart wheel and round-off! GO DAMON GO!!

He has been practicing walking on his hands for a while! Pretty impressive eh?

No one is surprised my 2 year old can do somersaults... he thinks he is just as big as his brothers. Seriously, he follows them around and does EVERYTHING they do! I also got him to say something.... which was the goal with the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious thing!

And of course... Colton's amazing trick is his conversational skills... although he does seem to be attempting a back flip don't ya think?!?!?


Kim and Adam said...

I love your video's your kids are so funny!

Unknown said...

ahh...I love it!

Nicholette said...

Love the new blogs!! They are so cute. It's nice to see something different. (and updated, hehehehe)

williams family said...

Love the new page!!! It's neat to see the boys in action!!

Monica said...

^_^ That's so cute!

Kelli said...

Wow, your boys are really growing up. That was cute and it is nice you were willing to share with all of us.
I see your page got a face lift. I like it. Keep that video tape rolling you never know what you might capture next.