Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Party

So somehow I volunteered to be in charge of a craft at Damon's Halloween party. Unfortunately, I was told that the room mom would get back to me to verify and totally spaced it until 2 days ago. Then yesterday she called and confirmed that I was indeed in charge of a craft. (Including purchasing/bringing supplies!) I wasn't sure what I was going to do so I spent like an hour looking all over the Internet and finally found something that seemed like it would take the allotted amount of time and be fairly self explanatory to a bunch of second graders. I then had to wait till Darin's paycheck was direct deposited this morning to go buy the necessary materials and after attending the "Halloween Parade" at the school, I rushed home to attempt to make this Halloween craft! I'm excited to say that it worked out just fine.... here's a pic of my handy work.

Sorry, it's shadowy cause it's not flat and I just scanned it. So I know it's a little silly.. but it will work!!! I wasn't sure what to use for hip bones and all I had in my pantry was mini marshmallows... so there you go! It is also made of Q-tips and glue. That's all.... so not too bad is it? It's simple... but I'm kind of proud! :o)