Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So things have been crazy, chaotic and slightly desperate lately. Stress seems to be building intensely and I'm wishing more and more every day that I had a hole to crawl in. We are sort of at this point in life where we just can't seem to catch a break... but we definitely seem to be broke. My head is always spinning and thinking of all the crap that I have no means of changing! No one is happy in our house and life is basically miserable. I really need something to break up the stress. At this point getting a job might be my only option. I just wish life could be easy and stress free.. but of course, it's simply not the case.

I guess I have to remind myself that it could always be worse, although I'm not sure how that would be possible at this point!

Hope everyone is doing well!


Nicholette said...

Sorry things are still yucky. I really think you would enjoy a part time job. You are a very social person and so you will be helping yourself (get away from family) as well as your family ($$). Maybe you could even do a paper route. :o) I've almost done that. But if things are as bad as you say, something needs to be done! i.e. get a job, sell the truck and get a van for the fam and a beater (better gas milge) car for Darin to drive, have Darin swallow his pride and carpool, have the kids get jobs (haha! just kidding). My suggestions may not even be feesible, if you guys don't make changes, life will continue as it is. I don't know how to help, but if I can, let me know. I love you guys!

Jackie said...

I'm sorry that things are so crazy for you right now...I really hope that something comes to you soon that brings happiness. It always seems so chaotic before a new addition enters the home and when you are getting hammered by everyone and thing it makes it even worse. Sorry I don't have anything to make it better, but I do understand...love ya!