Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Power of the Master

So have you ever met someone with so much power that you couldn't help but want to be like them? Well, Dominic has concluded that the power that his cousin has is SO WORTH IT! Seriously... one of my nieces is a very powerful 3 year old. She knows just what to say and do to get what she wants and she is not afraid to scream, kick, or turn on the water works to get it. So lately Dominic has been talking/walking like her. He even does the thing she does where she crosses her arms, tucks her chin to her chest, looks up at you and DEMANDS you do as she asks NOW!!!! Well, so far his new charade isn't working but I need to get pictures of them both. It's phenomenal how perfectly he duplicates her behavior. I understand why he would try it. It seems to work REALLY well when my niece does it, but alas, he is finding that not only does it NOT work for him, but he is spending more time in his bedroom for it.

Wowzer! 2 year olds are brilliant aren't they?


Kim and Adam said...

LMAO!!! I totally forgot that we went to your house hahahahah!!! I am so freakin SLOW I am going to add that part right now..errr