Monday, June 23, 2008


So the boys have been getting better but of course... today is the exception to the rule. They spend the whole weekend getting yelled at by Darin and Monday rolls around and kicks my ass! I really wish he spent more time praising and less time telling them they are stupid. It makes days like today intolerable for me!

And while I'm being negative. Darin has been doing these "side jobs." It's great because he is making extra money but it is a real sacrifice for me because he isn't home and I end up spending all waking hours of the day home with all 4 boys. I am willing to do this because having money to pay your bills is a good thing but for whatever reason.... he doesn't get it! He thinks that since HE'S the one doing the work... he should get to waste the money on crap that we don't need. (Currently he has his eye on a dune buggy!) He thinks that I am a selfish slave driver because I don't think we should blow money and he has no concept that while he's working... I'm working too. I'm just so tired! He's always talking about how I spend all his money. I admit it.. I buy food and pay bills. Shame on me for spending HIS money.

I need a break, or a thank you or something. I need to feel appreciated at least once a month. It's so hard to do everything for everyone and never feel like anyone cares. Today... is not a good day.


Kim and Adam said...

Man I am sorry... it's just me and Kayden and that's hard enough! Your a super mom!!! I hate that when they get money and think they need to go and blow it ewewwww!!! Adam has got better but still thinks he needs everything. I hope your day gets better:)

Jackie said...

The life of MOM!! I wish I were there to take the kids for a day and spend some time with you...days like this one really take the the best of us and yet, some how we need to find the energy to make it through and wake up tomorrow...
All I can say is find someone to help! I know it's hard to let someone else have a your children for however long, but you need to try. I really love you and I know you will make it through these tough times. I am thinking about you!! love you

Nicholette said...

Crap man. I work at home and it drives me crazy when Mason is with me all freakin' day long. I could not do 4 boys. Maybe you could start some home "schooling". Start with science day or music day or something to keep them occupied and help you all keep busy constructivly. I'm sure it will help when you officially start your home schooling in august or september. The idea about getting some help is brilliant!!
I hear ya about them spending money on crap. Ethan just bought a generator for 850$ (but I could justify it=emergency) but now he thinks he needs an xbox 360.
I'd still like to go the movies with ya!! :o)

Leandra said...

Have him read the Dave Ramsey book "The Total Money Makeover"! It will help him see the "big financial picture" so to speak. No seriously!
I think Summer is a double edged sword... it's nice because they can go play outside but they are not at school! Good luck, I feel your pain with my TWO kids! lol