Thursday, May 1, 2008

And life rolls on.

So... my dad is doing well. He is bored out of his mind and has only been taking tylenol for pain since before he came home. He is doing Cardiac Rehab at UVRMC and seems to be enjoying it! The first day he joked that it was like "going into the senior center, except they weren't playing bingo, they were exercising!" ;o) He really does seem to be the youngest by AT LEAST 20 years in that joint... but he is enjoying it.

Pregnancy is also rolling on. I'm 36 weeks now! This is the first time I have REALLY intently wanted to stay pregnant into my 39th week and beyond! (My other boys were born by 38 and 3.) I am feeling good physically... although I can tell that I occasionally overdue it. Bending over to clean is enough to start contractions so I've decided my house can be a little messy at least until next week. At 37 weeks all systems are go. At 36... I would have to go the hospital if I were in labor and that is NOT something I am interested in. Either way... my goal is to make it to Memorial day on May 26th. For the few of you who don't know... the 26th would keep my boys birthdays 5 days apart! Dominic will be 2 on the 11th! Then Damon will be 8 on the 16th! Followed by Jaydin turning 7 on the 21st. So many birthdays... so little time. (Not to mention that both of our moms have birthdays on the 13th and 14th!)

I also am my dads chaffeur for now for cardiac rehab as he is not able to drive for 5 more weeks. This is another reason why staying pregnant longer is better. Once little guy is born, getting dad to Provo everyday will be a little more of a challenge. If I can hold out past the 23rd... Vicki can drive him! :o)

I really did get the baby room clean the day I originally posted the disaster... but everything has been so chaotic that we haven't had time to get the final things on the walls. As soon as they are up I will take some pics!

Hope everyone is doing well!
:o) ME


Jackie said...

I'm glad to hear your dad is doing so great!! I hope too for your sake that you can stay pregnant a little longer...that is a weird request or wish to put upon some one, but I understand how you feel with everything going on. I still think it is crazy that all your kid's bdays are in may and 5days from eachother...crazy!!

Kim and Adam said...

Wahoo! You are almost there it's so nice to finally hit your last month:) I can't wait to see the little guy. I am glad you is doing better

Lena's Mom said...

I'm glad to hear your dad is doing well. I too hope you can hold on for a few more weeks. If there is anything I can do to help you in any way just let me know.