Friday, February 8, 2008

Moving along...

So... lately I've been listening to WAY too much talk radio. On my way to my hypnobabies class I lose the signal to the talk radio station so end up listening to country. Tonight there seemed to be a theme to the music that brought a couple of tears to my eyes and reminded me that my boys are not going to be small forever and that I REALLY need to enjoy the time I have with them because eventually it will be gone. I hate pregnancy because Im so tired and self absorbed! And maybe just a little bit hornery! Anyway... I really want to focus more on LOVING being their mommy... cause soon they will be grown and I will miss the days when life was simple. I love my kids.. they are amazing... so I think I definitely need to portray that to them! Any ideas on how to get super organized?


Jackie said...

I had to go through a whole bunch of stuff and with the help of a friend chuck stuff I really didn't need. It was so great to lose a few too many towels and go through the boys old clothes...any way with a friend it is nice because they don't care about your stuff... It helped me a ton!!