Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My midwife.

So I have officially decided to part ways with my midwife. This is really hard for me because I really "like her" I'm just not comfortable with the situation. I am also a pansy and didn't want to talk to her on the phone because I was afraid she would guilt me into staying with her so I e-mailed her! I know that she is just not the right midwife for ME. I also know that she is perfect for some people. I guess I never realized the variety of Midwives... and she is on the complete opposite end of where I want to be! I am really looking for a very holistic, non-medical approach. So today I feel a little bit guilty... but mostly relieved!


Jessicah said...

That's good that you have told her how you feel. I don't know much about Midwives, but I'm sure that they understand that they don't meld well with everyone, so don't feel to guilty...

and as to your question...yes I do have to dress like the statue of liberty, but I figure its a small price to pay for the money.

Angela said...

Hey, it's your last birth, so make it a great one every way you can!!!! You deserve it!